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Movie Review:
This weeks review is The Patriot starring Mel Gibson.

Roland Emmerich's concept design for"The Patriot"

*** 1/2 out of Five stars

"The Patriot" is brought to us by the duo who subjected us to "Independence Day" and "Godzilla" Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin. Cheers Boys!!

where do we start with this one? Well, the plot starts back in 1776 where America has decided to split from British rule and do things in the American way. As all those history buffs out there will know, the British didn't take to kindly to the thought of losing "the colony" and the American revolution begins.
Enter Mel Gibson. Mel plays a retired military chap who doesn't welcome the prospect of a war against the Brits- you see, he's a family man! Unfortunately, Mel's son, Heath Ledger, decides to do the Patriotic thing and fight for the cause. Through an disasterous turn of events,Mel is drawn into the conflict to protect his son and lead a rag-tag bunch of farmers (they're always rag-tag)into battle. Cue gore. Enter super villain, Colonel Tavington (played in Dick Dastardly fashion by Jason Isaacs). This movie, lets not deny it, is super cheese- in fact this is the aged stilton of cheese. However, this is not a dismissal of the flick because it gets so crap it actually gets good.
Some have dismissed it for being Braveheart; some have dismissed it for being shit. What did you guys expect- Jane Austen? I think you should leave you brain at the door and enjoy it for what it is: pure, mindless entertainment.
My brother reckons its better than "Gladiator". That's taking it a bit far so I sent Mr Crowe around to sort him out.