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Dave's Opinion

This is where Dave shares his views about the movies suggested to him by friends of davesite
A giant thanks to everybody that has visited davesite and enjoyed the reviews- for those who didn't enjoy the reviews: I'm sorry, I don't review porn.

To the movie lover who didn't love "Sleepy Hollow", I know plenty of people who would agree with you on that one. I think i'd have to agree on the wasted acting talents of Johnny Depp, Miranda Richardson, Christopher(no lines)Walken, and others. The "Scooby Doo" ending pissed me off a little, but I'd also have to say that both visually and aurally the film was awesome; the visual and sound effects people must have had a ball! The cinematography was typical Tim Burton twisted gothic and I really enjoy Tim Burton films for this reason, lots of set detail etc. Also, Christopher Walken would have to be one of the scariest looking bad guys on celluloid, how about those teeth? Austin Powers, move over.